Well alright.
Maybe I can pull this blog from the great beyond and back into existance.
A lot has happened in the year and almost a month since my last post, and to be honest, I cant remember 73 % of it. Let me go over the highlights.
June 1st, 2005 -- moved out of my parents house and into an apartment on the east side of Evansville with a few friends of mine. Everything here has been going great, more friends moved into both next doors -- you are never alone if you don't want to be. I believe this was a turning point in my life that caused me to grow up a little more quickly than I would have liked, but I believe it was for the better.
Sometime during winter, 2005 -- Saw the movie recreation of the musical RENT. I don't know what it was in me, but something like turning over an unturned stone in my mind occured and I saw people in a different light. Judgement and discrimination left my personality and I saw everyone as equals in this world. I thought I did before, but something changed and it really took effect. Thanks RENT for helping me see the light. I also listened to this movies soundtrack endlessly for a long time. It was very mellow and powerful at times and I liked it. Some say obsession, I say pure interest.
Sometime in January, 2006 -- A rediscovery. I found something again that I thought I did not want or need anymore. This was a "tool" in my new perseption of the world and of reality. Four people and the music they create opened my "third eye" and opened my mind up to all new experiences and thoughts that I had never before conceived. I had been using this "tool" before, but it never really had personal meaning until recently. By now, you should know that I am speaking of the band TOOL and its members Adam, Danny, Justin, and Maynard. Using their music and other materials of knowledge that their lyrics and meanings refer to, I am able to see this world under a whole new light. Thanks you guys for my new-found view of life and reality. Hopefully, if my posting bug continues, I plan to share my thoughts on this subject matter to help bring words to the images and thoughts in my head.
Of course, I have not fallen from the line of Computer Science as well. I have completed a few projects and have ideas in line for some new ones. The Army of Circus Midgets is one example -- need an explanation, ask me on AIM or something.
I hope this continues, beg me to keep writing. Any comments/suggestions are surely welcome. You can leave them here or feel free to talk to me on AIM -- Bates128. Hope to hear from you all soon.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Well, I had this "strange urge" to update my blog so I decided to post something.
Everything in life is pretty good I suppose, nothing really new to report.
I feel pretty mellow right now. Im in such a good mood right now because of who im talking to. I love talking to this person all the time and I love this person very much.
Goodnight everyone :-p
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Well, its been a while now, so I figured I would write some stuff down.
The-Glitch.org project has been going rather well, with just a few minor set-backs. Episode 2 is now released so check it out and leave me some comments if possible -- www.the-glitch.org is where you will find everything.
Im sitting outside my CS201 class (also known as Java programming 1) and I just reliezed that I havent really said anything lately so I decided to.
I would love some suggests/comments toward what I should include in future episodes of the-glitch, and will appreciate any feedback, both positive and negative. I hope in the future we are looked upon as a more professional source of news, rather than a comedic view of technology.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
First things first -- I need to learn how to tell time. Ok, I get woken up this mornng by my dad yelling at me from the kitchen, since my room is in the basement. I open up my eyes to reveal that my clock shows 20 minutes till 9. Apparently my alarm set for 8 did not go off or I never heard it. Im getting up and rushing to get dressed because my first class starts at 9 and I did not want to be late for it, you know, cause im a good boy. Then my dad tells me I need to let my car warm up because of the ammount of frost on the windows and stuff. I of course give in and run my car for a while, letting it melt away the pseudo-ice thats ingulving my car, all the while im staring at the clock watching my time tick away. I only had 15 minutes now. I was going to be late, I could already tell. I was about ready to walk out the door when I heard my alarm go off. Oh well, I thought, I must have had it set to the wrong time. I finally hope in the car and take off. I keep looking at the time, and im loosing more and more precious minutes. I look at my DIGITAL clock -- crap, its 01 now, class is starting. I finally pull into the lot at 08 -- but wait a minute. Let me read the whole time -- 8:08 -- holy crap. Now everything made sense.
To make a long story short, im sitting in a computer lab, since I neglected to bring my own laptop, "knowing" that I wouldn't have time to use it, waiting for 9 o'clock.
Monday, November 29, 2004
Here I am, in the all too familiar place known as the UC. Nothing much ever goes on in this place, except lots of food eatting. And let me tell you, I love to eat. Anyway -- thanksgiving break was not too eventful. I got to sit around most of it and do nothing but sit at my computer desk. Speaking of which, I needa reorganize my room soon, so any ideas would be appreciated.
You know, friends come and go throughout your life. However, there are some that you think you will love forever, as much as you can love a friend. Ive had many friends that Ive thought that about, but not many have let me down in this regard. I hate to say it, but I think I am losing touch with one of my friends out there. He/She seems to never want to have anything to do with me, and he/she changed drastically before the semester started. I cant ever talk to him/her without thinking about what a bad choice he/she made. I guess this is just me ranting or something. Maybe im just jealous of the people he/she associates himself/herself with. Oh well.
Well, the current time is 12:44, Calculus is starting in less that 16 mins now, so I must be on my way. Once again, comment away.
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Still alive -- here at my Grandmas for thanksgiving -- I just thought I should bring life back to this thing sinec i think I need to get out my feelings more. Oh well. Comment to high heaven.