The insane mind of a linux admin.

This the place holder of the thoughts of Brian E. Bates, otherwise known as eSoul.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Welp, It's that magical time again. Yup, you guessed it -- post time. Anyway, updates about yesterday. As soon as I got home from school I called up Computers Plus to see of they had a processor I wanted. Now, I wanted something between 1.1 and 1.3 ghz, and either Anthon or Duron. Unfortunatly, all they have are 900 Durons. "Penis", I say to myself. I look through the phone book of computer places, and notice a place -- Ashton Computers. Now, Ive never bought from them before, but I know a guy that works there, really cool guy. He happens to answer the phone when I call and he says he has ONE 1300 Duron left. I quickly bolt over there (infact, its really close to my house), and I purchase the processor. I then get home, and package the thing and proceed to install it in my motherboard. Everything looks good, I got a voodoo3 in, a 128 meg stick, and the processor is in right, it even has 100mhz selected as the FSB. I power it up -- nothing. "Fucking shit", I said to myself. I spend about an hour on it trying to get it to POST. Nothing at all. Then I remember something. I jump back online and I head over to my motherboard website and check the BIOS updates. Sure enough, there it is. Apparently, the board doesnt like to "see" 1300 Durons, causing it not to boot. I need to take it to school and use a slower Duron, then I can flash the BIOS on the Motherboard, and my Duron will work. Kinda ironic, isnt it. I spend all this time finding a good processor for my machine and I cant even use it for another day. After this works, the machine is basically complete. I just needa get a better video card and some more ram. When it is finished, ill post full computer specs.


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