The insane mind of a linux admin.

This the place holder of the thoughts of Brian E. Bates, otherwise known as eSoul.

Monday, February 24, 2003

Well, after about 4 months of this thing just sitting here, its time to start posting. At the time of this writing, I just set up a templete done by Chris (BlackMod) and I havent tested it yet, so I will see how it works after I post this. Well, to recap the last few days, Saturday before going to work I decided I wanted to swap out the hard drive in my laptop to a blank one. Well, the problem with my laptop is that on startup, the BIOS must do a call to the Hard Drive to find some certain programs on it in a directory \DOS\. Well, I have a machine from IBM called the "PS/2 e". It appears to be an attempt of IBM to get rid of some extra laptop parts, because the whole thing seems to be mad of laptop parts. Infact, it has one ISA slot, and according to IBM, the orignal machine came with a ISA -> PCMCIA expansion, so that on the front, where there is an opening, you can insert some PCMCIA cards (Laptop expansion cards). Anyway, I devised a way to get the files on the "blank" hard drive so that I could use it. Well, it turns out something is messed up on the machine to cause the machine to not read floppies, so I couldnt bootup from DOS 6.22 (yes I have originals!) floppies. Well, the only other aternative was to put the laptop hard drive in another machine so I can use floopies, since the PS/2 e has its own floppy drive connector. Alright, so I pull out the spare compaq I have (533 k6-2) and gut it out. Alright, this may be hard to get, so ill put pictures up later, but since the laptop hdd has no connector for power (its built into the "IDE" connector), I decide this what I must do -- the cable on the ps/2 e for the hdd is kinda like a Y connector, one for the 40pin IDE, and then a "power connector" but its only for the power supply in the ps/2 e. I have to take the IDE connector and put it in the compaq, but also keep the ps/2 e going to supply power for the laptop hdd. Well, Im about to plug in the hdd, and I discover that the hdd connector to the motherboard has notches coming off of it (A way of keeping it from being plugged in) so I walk upstairs, grab a box cutter, and begin to cut away. About 20 mins later, the notches come off. I walk back downstairs, and hook up the hdd succesfully. I turn on the PS/2 e to begin suppling power. I power up the compaq, and it comes up. IT finds the hdd, but for some od reason, it detects it as a 274gig hdd (it should only be 200 meg). well, DOS install comes up and sees the hdd needs a partition. It sets it, reboots, and when to trys to format, it says it cant because "Invalid Media or Track 0 bad." Fuck I thought, It much be a bad hdd again. Well, I figured, I could try it in my old packard bell (120mhz Pentium) I pull it down, stick in the hdd, and fire it up. Well it seems to find it fine, and then it begins to install dos. It finished, I stick the special files on it, and then put the hdd in the laptop. Success, it fires right up. Oh shit, I thought, I need the DOS pcmcia drivers from the hdd. I try to swap the original hdd back into the laptop, and when I try to fire it up, I heard some power fizzles. Fuck me, I unplughed it and took the hdd out, Looking at the ide connector, I realized I plugged it in wrong, the empty spot on the connector was placed in the wrong place, and it popped out on of the pins on the hdd connector on the laptop hdd. Its ruined. There is still a way I can get the data, I can get the other laptop like this one, and take that hdd out and take the controller board out and put it back on the fucked on, and hopefully that would work. Anyway, I stick the new hdd in and figure I will just look for the drivers on the internet. I found them all, and now it works perfectly. I even got my pcmcia ethernet card working and I have Internet connection sharing working (after 3-4 hours talking to Chris). I was having problems at first, it would get an ip address from the DHCP responce, but I couldnt ping between the two machine. I figured it was something wrong with the Windows 3.11 TCP/IP driver. But after 3 hours, I decided to remove my win98's tcp/ip and reinstall it. Success. Anyway, I need to go shovel some snow, so when I return, Ill talk about sunday.


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